Sermon 1-1 | "What Comes Out of a Man, That Defiles a Man" - Understanding True Sin Through God's Word
"The word sin, in Greek, means to 'miss the mark.' It means not getting it right. It is a sin if we don't follow the orders of God correctly." This teaching reveals what sin truly is through Mark 7:8-9: 'For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men. He said to them, "All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition."'
Key insights from this message:
"What is sin? It is to disobey God's orders."
"The most serious sin is to disregard His Word."
"Those who disregard His Word are sinners, even if they are without faults."
"God has given us 613 articles of the Law to teach us that He is the Truth"Remember: "We should obey God and even if we are unable to keep all of His Laws, we should at least acknowledge them."Free Christian resources available at
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