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The Holy Spirit who Dwells in Me - The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit

Rev. Paul C. Jong


ISBN: 8983140674

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In Christianity today, the most frequently discussed issues are "salvation from sin" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit." However, few people have precise knowledge of these two ideas, despite the fact that they are the two most important concepts in Christianity. What is worse, we can`t find any biblical writing that teaches us clearly about the issues above. There have been lots of Christian authors glorifying the gifts of the Holy Spirit or describing the Spirit-filled lives. But any of them doesn`t dare to deal with the fundamental question, "How can a believer surely receive the Holy Spirit?" Why? Surprising truth is that they couldn`t write about it in full-scale because they didn`t have exact knowledge of it. As Prophet Hosea cried out, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," nowadays, not a few Christians are drawn into religious fanaticism, hoping to receive the Holy Spirit. They believe that they will receive the Holy Spirit by reaching a state of frenzy and hysteria. But it is no exaggeration to say that their so-called faith reduces Christianity to mere shallow Shamanism, and that such fanaticism derives from Satan. The author Rev. Paul C. Jong dares to proclaim the truth. He deals the essential subjects in full-scale, which most spiritual writers have evaded for a long time. He first defines the meaning of "being born again" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit," and explains the inevitable relationship between the two pivotal concepts. Then he runs the whole gamut of description concerning the Holy Spirit, from "how to discern the spirits" to "the way to Spirit-filled lives." For more information, the author advises you to examine the contents of this book posted on this web page.



Part One ─ Sermons
1. The Holy Spirit Works within God’s Word of Promise (Acts 1:4-8)
2. Can Anyone Really Purchase the Holy Spirit with His Own Effort? (Acts 8:14-24)
3. Did You Receive the Holy Spirit When You Believed in Jesus? (Acts 19:1-3)
4. Those Who Have the Same Faith as That of the Disciples of Jesus (Acts 3:19)
5. Do You Want to Have Fellowship with the Holy Spirit? (1 John 1:1-10)
6. Believe That the Holy Spirit Dwells in You (Matthew 25:1-12)
7. The Beautiful Gospel That Allows You to Have the Holy Spirit Dwell in Your Heart (Isaiah 9:6-7)
8. Through Whom Does the Living Water of the Holy Spirit Flow? (John 7:37-38)
9. The Gospel of Jesus’ Baptism That Has Made Us Clean (Ephesians 2:14-22)
10. Walk in the Spirit! (Galatians 5:16-26, 6:6-18)
11. To Keep Your Life Full of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:6-18)
12. To Live Your Life Full of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:1-8)
13. The Works and Gifts of the Holy Spirit (John 16:5-11)
14. What Is True Repentance That Leads Us to Receive the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38)
15. You Can Receive the Holy Spirit and Be Dwelt by Him Only When You Know the Truth (John 8:31-36)
16. The Mission of All Who Have Received the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 61:1-11)
17. We Must Have Faith and Hope in the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16-25)
18. The Truth That Leads You to the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Joshua 4:23)
19. The Beautiful Gospel That Tore the Veil of the Temple (Matthew 27:45-54)
20. Those Who Have Experienced the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Guide Others to Also Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-23)

Part Two ─ Appendix
1. Testimonies of Salvation
2. Questions and Answers

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