About Us

The New Life Mission
With the rise of natural disasters, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing, this world is now hurling even faster to the final destination of destruction like a runaway train. At no time in human history has the world ever seen more rapid changes than it is seeing now. All these things, however, are merely signaling the beginning of disasters and tribulations before the Lordâs return to this earth. Living in times like these, people today have no choice but to lead an even more hectic life tied down to this world, and as a result their hearts are drifting away from God even more. One day, the Antichrist will rise up to stand against God and rule over the world. Therefore, realizing that we are now living in the age of spiritual famine, we must believe in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit the Lord has given to us, and become His people. All of us living in such an age ought to realize that the New Life Mission is shining the light of salvation. It is pointing out the reason and the right answer as to why you must be saved from all your sins by believing in Jesus Christ.